How to create a Digital Signature?

Digital signatures are replacing handwritten signatures on paper. Created to allow individuals to sign off on documents and contracts without being physically present, digitally signed documents now share the same legal status as those signed by hand. We are not referring to digital photographs of handwritten signatures affixed to a document. Truly secure digital signatures obtained and endorsed by certificate authorities ensure their security and authenticity.

In our previous posts, we discussed the anatomy and functioning of digital signatures. To briefly recap, digital signatures rely on a public key cryptography process to encrypt and decrypt data. This process provides significantly more assurance of legitimacy and integrity than a standard signature.

So, how can businesses create digital signatures to help them sign, send, and manage record that make the digital document signing process more efficient?

Using Digital Signature Software

Integrating digital signature software in your business is fundamental in today’s world with businesses moving to online and remote platforms. This requires every online business to maintain and improve professionalism, compliance, and security.

Digital signatures provide trust akin to a seal on a letter considered to be a time-honoured symbol. With increasing cybersecurity threats, organizations need to be more resilient than ever in deploying preventative measures to protect digital assets. In particular, business documents that contains confidential information drives the need for robust encryption.

We’ve listed the top features available in digital signature technology allowing users to easily sign documents from any smart device, regardless of their geographical location.

  • Document signing: Ability to easily and securely import and sign business documents.
  • Multiple application support: Flexibility in being able to sign any type of digital file.
  • Workflows: When distributing a document to several recipients, users should be able to specify the signing sequence.
  • Monitor document progress: Visibility on who has signed and who is yet to sign the document.
  • Reminders and Notifications: Select whether or not to update signers and requesters on the progress of the signature process, and prompt for outstanding signatures.
  • Bulk sending: Sending documents to multiple recipients for digital signing.
  • Audit trails: Audit trails and reports that trace user activity.
  • Regulatory compliance: Adhere to current regulations and provide the highest levels of data security and privacy.
  • Customization: Customize legal disclosures and templates based on your business requirements.
  • Integration: Integrate with core business applications.
  • Mobile accessibility: Offers users the ability to sign documents from any smart device and any location.

The technology needs to provide the same (and improved) level of security and confidence as with traditional documentation. Simultaneously, such a system should be straightforward to use, deploy, and provide a quick return on investment.

Where We Fit In

KRIS Document Management System (DMS) delivers digital signature technology within the platform whether it’s delivered as a cloud or on-premises solution. Digital services are commercially critical to satisfy customer demands quickly and economically and our comprehensive document system serves as an enabler for a company’s digital strategy. It offers a what-you-see-is-what-you-sign functionality that creates a legally binding commitment. Users benefit from the convenience and mobility of remote digital signing with the added assurance of enhanced security.






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