Reasons to use Pre-assessments in Recruitment

Organizations spend a significant amount of money is spent in recruiting, onboarding, and training new personnel. The typical cost per hire is around $5,000, with executive positions costing three times as much. If the person does not work out, time and money invested are lost, and the hiring process has to restart. It is particularly apparent if the individual was hired to work on a project with a tight deadline or a specific deliverable.

There are not just financial consequences. A poor hire can also result in higher turnover, reduced production, and decreased morale. Other employees are obliged to take on work that isn’t getting done or is not completed to corporate standards, putting further strain on overall capacity and productivity, and causing tension within teams. Thus, companies want to hire the right person the first time around to avoid any negative impact. Several methods can be used in the screening and interviewing process to assist your company in selecting the right recruit, and pre-assessment testing is one of the most effective.

What is Pre-assessment Testing?

Employers must collect as much relevant candidate information as possible during the hiring procedure. Traditional techniques of getting to know candidates, such as resumes and interviews, don’t always provide constructive (or accurate) information. Similarly, interviews are subjective and, as a result, are poor indicators of potential job performance.

Pre-assessments are an effective screening method for weeding out mismatches and refining the pool of candidates to interview in person. Furthermore, tests are standardized across all applicants bringing objectivity to the recruiting process and removing bias that often influences the hiring decision.

Types of Pre-assessments

Employers can use test results to make more informed and rational recruiting decisions that improve the quality of hires and accelerate the hiring process. Every candidate is evaluated through the same lens, scenarios, and questions.

Different types of pre-assessments can be used depending on the position and skills that are most important to fulfill the role. Online tests can be completed remotely, which is useful when selecting applicants in different geographical locations.

Cognitive Ability

Cognitive ability exams demonstrate a candidate’s mental capacity for a specific role. The answers supplied can be used to predict job performance and how people deal with complexity. They also emphasize the ability to approach challenges through logical, verbal, and numerical reasoning.


Employers can use personality tests to see if a candidate will into the company’s culture and if a person’s personality leads to increased or decreased production. You can use test findings to determine their level of involvement and whether they are interested in a long-term career with the company.


Integrity tests are one of the most objective pre-assessments to evaluate an applicant’s reliability. Employers can tailor the questions to the company’s level of integrity and ethical guidance when confronted with specific scenarios at work. Integrity testing proves if an applicant is a match for the company, can be trusted, and if they can work well with others.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence tests look at how well candidates create relationships and how well they understand emotions. People with a high emotional intelligence can resolve confrontations and reduce tension in stressful situations. Adaptability, teamwork, and empathy are some of the other skills that can be highlighted.

Job Knowledge

These tests determine an applicant’s understanding about the position for which they are applying. Candidates seeking marketing positions, for example, can show their understanding of marketing ideas and how they would manage a campaign. Testing on specific work characteristics can assist establish whether a person’s previous experience is relevant and transferrable to the current role.


Skills testing measures hard skills. For a programming position, employers can design coding projects for individuals to solve or writing tests for copywriters or public relations positions. These tests can also demonstrate the applicant’s research, presentation, or leadership skills.

A Cog in the HR Wheel

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